Communication is Key
By Chris Maynard and David Grove

The game of telephone was always fun to play growing up! The message that started in the beginning of the game was very different from the message the last person who heard it utters at the end. However, it is not so enjoyable when messages and information aren’t accurately and properly given to various committees and members of the congregation throughout a campaign.
Here are some examples of falsehoods that can take on lives of their own throughout a campaign:
I heard the consultant gets a percentage of the amount we raise!
I heard they are going to expect everyone to give over 5 times their annual pledge!
I heard they already have money coming in so I don’t really need to be part of this!
I heard they will call you if they don’t think you gave enough!
As a campaign consultant, you cannot be all places at once, but it is important to be present at every Trustee/Administrative Council/Vestry, Finance Committee or general congregation meeting that you can be. This is the best way to be in lock-step with church leadership and help them provide a comprehensive and consistent message regarding campaign goals, procedures, process and progress. If false statements gain traction throughout a congregation and seep into leadership, it can be detrimental to a campaign.
Anytime you can diminish the impact of the I heard they statements, it benefits everyone involved with the campaign. The Congregations we work with (especially the leaders who hire us and the donors who support the campaign) have entrusted our firm to lead the campaign effort and deserve our help in all areas, particularly communication.
“The king rejoices when his people are truthful and fair.”
-Proverbs 16:13