Perspectives – Spring 2017 Issue

Welcome to the Spring 2017 edition of our online newsletter. We are delighted that you continue to follow the services our firm provides to churches throughout the United States, Canada and Europe.
Spring is here, which means Easter is right around the corner. Easter is, of course, the high point of the Christian year. All of us at JDK&A wish you and your families a blessed Lenten season.
We take great pride in updating our website as much as possible with our most current press releases, photos and testimonials so anyone that visits our website can see all the great things JDK&A is doing. Please take some time to visit the hundreds of testimonials we have listed on our site and learn firsthand why churches continue to see the value in our services.
We encourage you to read this edition of PERSPECTIVES. We hope you find the articles useful, engaging and interesting. Whether you are in need of a capital campaign now, it’s far off on the horizon or you’ve already utilized our services, we trust the information our experienced consultants have provided will help you on your journey, whatever that may be!
Erin West
Vice President of Operations
Securing the Lead Gift
By Wayne Spaulding

Getting a Capital Campaign off to a strong start is essential to success. Securing lead gifts are part of a strong start because of the substantial impact they have. Lead gifts set the standard for all gifts by establishing a benchmark for inspired generosity. They propel campaigns towards successful kick-offs, boost volunteer morale and inspire the congregations’ confidence.
Yet, campaign leadership sometimes haltingly transitions from Feasibility Study to Campaign. The hesitation often relates to securing lead gifts. Leaders are reluctant to pursue potential lead gift donors. They are apprehensive about asking for a substantial commitment and uncertain of the response they’ll receive. It’s a natural reaction, if you’re not prepared for the task.
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Essential Elements That Must Be Present and In Place to Proceed With a Capital Campaign
By Glendon Smith
There are four main ingredients to make a successful campaign:
Case Statement – this presentation is tested during Focus Group Meetings and Personal Interviews with compelling materials and committed testimonials
Leadership – leads with truth and transparency as is best when communication is clear and consistent over time; trust develops as the commitment is displayed
Constituency – devoted followers, volunteers, and supporters of the church
Plan of Campaign – a proven plan by a proven firm through a proven path Read more…