Perspectives – Fall 2018 Issue

Welcome to the Fall 2018 edition of our online newsletter. We are delighted that you continue to follow the services our firm provides to churches throughout the United States, Canada and Europe.
As we near the end of 2018 and the cold winter months are near, James D. Klote & Associates would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge the great successes we and our clients have had this year. Our experienced, professional Directors consulted on many projects around the country this year that were extremely successful; and the year is still not over. We also are so thankful for all of friendships we have made, the wonderful testimonials we’ve received, and the trust that each one of our clients has in us.
This edition of PERSPECTIVES features articles written by a few of our consultants and cover a variety of different topics. They’re full of helpful tips and experiences from every aspect of capital campaign involvement. I hope you enjoy them as much as we enjoyed putting them together!
Summer is not far on the horizon and we hope the warmer weather brings your church all the blessings you deserve. Please know come summer or winter, we are dedicated to provide you with the best service possible. If your church is thinking of a Capital Campaign, please don’t hesitate to contact us.
Erin A. West
Vice President of Operations
But We’re Not Ready…
By: Steve Siegel

The aphorism is as old as Voltaire. “Don’t let the perfect be the enemy of the good.” The point is well taken in many areas of life … including capital campaigns.
Too often churches and schools get paralyzed by a fear that they are not ready. Leaders can point to a half dozen reasons why they may not think they’re ready, or why this may not be the right time. More often than not, however, these reasons are exaggerated. As a result, they will miss some very good opportunities while they’re waiting for a mythical perfect opportunity that will, quite honestly, never present itself. Read more…
By: John Morrison
Organization is key to any project involving volunteers, paid staff and outside consultants. There needs to be one point person (consultant) where the buck stops. For a non-profit capital campaign project there are obstacles to success but with leadership implementing a proven path, providing weekly achievable goals, and close monitoring of our valued volunteers, success will be secured.
“We have 3 weeks to raise 1 million dollars, how can we visit over 100 families and do that?” “We have 900 families and need to raise 9 million dollars. Can we do it?” Familiar questions? Yes. How do we get there? The answer is: count on your James D. Klote & Associate Consultant to input achievable metrics, teach, organize, encourage, and develop a sense of urgency to get the job done. Read more…
Visiting EVERY Household
By: Gregory Holt

What impressed me most about the JDK&A method of fundraising is the importance of visiting every household during the Capital Campaign. Trained volunteer visitors select the households they wish to visit. Most of the time this will be fellow church members who they call their friends or recognize by name and wish to get to know the family better. Late into the campaign, volunteer visitors select households that have not yet been chosen and this provides an opportunity to meet new families who attend the church.
It all starts with the volunteer visitors selecting up to 10-12 households that they will:
- Call
- Schedule a time to visit
- Make the visit and share information
- Ask for their consideration in making a pledge
- Follow-up promptly if necessary to obtain their pledge
- Turn in the pledge card