May I express my deep gratitude for the outstanding work of James D Klote & Associates in guiding our Living our Faith, Sharing our Future Capital Campaign. The consultant has become our friend and mentor. He provided superlative guidance throughout the process.
As with any new venture, especially one with an audacious goal, we were a bit anxious and apprehensive at the start of the feasibility study. Very quickly we grew to trust the consultant’s wise counsel, careful process and intuitive approach. By the end of the first month of the campaign our catch phrase had become, Trust the consultant and do what he says!
The discipline needed to undertake a campaign required a time of prayerful discernment. In addition to raising pledges totaling five times annual giving, we continue to think and pray deeply about our mission in Ithaca and beyond. The entire process has created a renewed focus and commitment to the work of the Gospel.
We have been especially appreciative of the after-care your firm has provided. Our campaign continues and when questions arise, you have been quick to provide counsel.
On behalf of the entire congregation, please accept our heartfelt thanks. May God continue to bless you in all you undertake.
St. John's Episcopal Church
Ithaca, New York