I am pleased to be writing this Letter of Appreciation in response for the professional services and excellent support we have received for our Capital Campaign from James D. Klote and Associates. We have shared a wonderful partnership working together during this campaign that not only assisted in generating the financial support for the first phase of our congregation’s goals, but also benefiting from exceptional leadership and training.
Early in the campaign, our consultant was approached by a long time member and told that, “Geneva Lutheran congregation would not be able to do this campaign if you were not here.” I have learned since my arrival here in the fall of 2007 that the congregation’s last capital campaign was conducted in 1994 and ended in disappointment. I am delighted to report that we are very satisfied with the results of this campaign knowing full well the economic uncertainties we are facing in our community, state and country.
I would highly recommend James D. Klote and Associates to any congregation who wants to experience the joy of a successful capital campaign.
Geneva Lutheran Church
Geneva, Illinois