What a joy it has been to work with the James D. Klote and Associates firm in the Virginia Conference’s “All Things New” capital campaign. In all that our Consultant did, he was the penultimate of a faithful and professional leader of his diverse “flock” that included laity and clergy from across our 18 districts. That must have been a real challenge! However, he was successful in all that he did.
Specifically, I found our JDK&A Consultant to be a great source of wisdom, leadership and encouragement. His “non-anxious presence”, calm persistence and steady demeanor proved time and again that he could create a positive environment for stewardship development with our district coordinating committee. I appreciated the way he was quick to follow-up with the most effective methodology available to him: in person, by telephone and via email. I was impressed with his ability to deal with a wide variety of people from diverse backgrounds.
Most of all, I was impressed with his holy-character. Through all of this past year’s interactions, he was a person of integrity and competence.
Danville District Superintendent
Virginia Conference UMC