Pastor Kevin J. Schneider

Pastor Kevin J. Schneider

I find it hard to put into words how thankful I am for all we have received from your company. Your leadership and insight has helped us tremendously in our first ever stewardship campaign. From the first time you came and presented your vision to us, through the focus group meetings and then through our actual campaign, we have been so impressed by what you and your staff offer. While we have had fund drives before, we have never been able to raise the type of funds we did this time. To receive in pledges fifteen times what we would have normally expected is so exciting. To imagine how God is going to use this to enlarge his kingdom here on earth is humbling and challenging all at the same time.

As I talked with one of our co-chairs, he shared with me that he has been a part of several different stewardship campaigns – schools, camps and retreats – he said, “I have never been part of a campaign so well organized and carried out.” Fortunately your company is not a one size fits all as you have tailored our campaign specifically for us. You have given us the training and the skills to carry out this great mission, all the while making us feel like we are the most important client you have.

Originally, I could not see how having a full-time consultant was necessary, but now I am so glad this is how it is done. Our JDK&A Director brought amazing excitement and professionalism to our whole campaign. His ability to motivate, inspire, and oversee our campaign gave our volunteers the training, time, and skills needed to succeed. Not only that, he has so immersed himself in our community that tears will be shed as he leaves. He will be dearly missed!

I am sure that our next campaign will be overseen by your company again. We have been extremely pleased.

Pastor Kevin J. Schneider
Good News Church
Sioux Falls, South Dakota

For the past six months Good News Church has had the opportunity to be served by a JDK&A stewardship consultant. As a member of the Good News Ministry Staff, I wanted to let you know what a wonderful experience this has been for our staff and the people of our church.

Upon our consultant’s arrival here in Sioux Falls, he immediately became fully engaged in the life of our church. He attended every staff meeting, bible study, worship service and church activity that he could. He quickly became known as a warm and caring individual. His authentic concern for our people went well beyond his role as a stewardship consultant. He took initiative in developing relationships and was eager to let people get to know him even though his time with us was limited.

In addition to serving as a member of the Campaign Steering Committee I also had the unique opportunity to share an office with him. In both of these contexts I have consistently experienced him to be a person of genuinely good character, as well as excellent at the role he plays in guiding a church through a capital campaign. Our consultant provided significant leadership to our Steering Committee Co-chairs, equipping and empowering them to confidently lead the Steering Committee as a whole. He showed utmost professionalism in his interactions with every person regardless of their perspective on the campaign or the building plans. He was consistently positive in his approach, encouraging and motivating those involved in the campaign, yet forthright in holding us accountable when necessary. He was always accessible and incredibly flexible as he aimed to meet the needs of those participating in the process. He also proved to be very accurate and expedient in the management and communication of campaign data and progress.

I also want to affirm your organization as a whole for the healthy, unifying approach you have developed for coming along side churches needing to raise capital funds. I have been a part of other capital campaigns, none of which came close to having such a positive effect on the relationships among church members and in building momentum within the congregation. I am excited to see where God leads Good News Church in the future and am grateful that our consultant and your firm have played such a significant role in helping us move forward.

Kris Heeren, Member of Steering Committee

To our JDK&A Director:

THANK YOU for all you have done for us. I know it is your job that brought you to us, but I have seen you do so many things that go far beyond what I would imagine the scope of your responsibility probably is. You have been such a wonderful blessing and I want you to know how very, very much I along with everyone else, appreciate and cherish you!

We often get to see God work in many ways, and I believe that you were a part of His Plan for our congregation. Thank you for following Him and His guidance. I know that because of you and your obedience to our Lord, that our campaign has been far beyond what we could ever have done ourselves. Blessings to you, my friend, and my deepest appreciation for your leadership and inspiration!

Sally Dieltz, Member of Steering Committee

-Pastor Kevin J. Schneider
Good News Church
Sioux Falls, South Dakota
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