In its early history-now some ninety years ago- First Lutheran had a largesse of heart for ministry and mission development (starting academies and a Lutheran college here in Sioux Falls, buying a building for unwed mothers in the 1920’s that later became Lutheran Social Services of South Dakota, helping to build and trustee a new major hospital , providing a Banquet downtown for the homeless. But somewhere along the “ups and downs” of its growth, the congregation began to suffer from chronic heart failure – unwilling to risk, to commit, to pledge “time, talent, and… er, what’s the other one?!”
Here’s where our JDK&A Consultant has been of good cheer. Identifying and rallying a core group of E.O. Rolvaag’s famous “giants who [still] walk the earth”, who have begun to model anew for all of us, how to disciple out of an attitude of abundance rather than scarcity. Our consultant, in the past nine months, has become like a member of the family… immersing himself in the “communion of saints” here at First Lutheran Church.
First Lutheran Church
Sioux Falls, South Dakota