In 1997 an archdiocesan review told us that Saint Matthew could raise between $200,000 and $314,000. We desperately needed much more than that. We sought out a professional consulting firm that would help us achieve our needs. We chose James D. Klote & Associates who sent us a consultant who helped us raise $1,892,000!
Recently, the congregation realized we needed a parish hall, however, not all of the pledges from the last campaign had been collected. We desperately needed a solution. We called again on James D. Klote & Associates who sent us the consultant who led us to victory in our first campaign. He helped us to design a campaign that merged the two appeals in a seamless and sensible manner.
The parishioners responded to the plan and the call and once again we reached our goal. There is something to be said for persistence and having confidence in your consultant. That is easy to do with one as professional, effective and able to tailor a campaign for your needs as was our consultant.
St. Matthew will rely on James D. Klote & Associates for any and all future capital stewardship needs.
St. Matthew Catholic Church
Hillsboro, Oregon