Having spent 20 years as an Administrative Assistant in several churches I have experienced many different approaches to fundraising campaigns. The experience of working with your company and the consultant has been very refreshing and by far the most successful with which I have ever been involved. He constantly reminded us that our GOAL was making contact with every church member and regular attendee. The money was secondary. When we looked at the campaign from that perspective everything seemed to fall into place and it was not a burden to make calls and visits. Putting the emphasis on people, rather than money, was a very novel approach and we learned so much about our congregation. In the future we will be able to minister more effectively to many of our members now that we know the challenges they are facing.
We have come a long way from the days of “auction” type campaigns. As a child I remember remaining after Sunday morning worship and people were asked to stand up in the congregation and announce what they planned to give to the financial campaign. Since my family had very limited funds this was a very humiliating experience and my mother usually looked for the nearest exit.
Anchor Baptist is now in a much better position financially than we have been for several years. I believe God will bless us in ways we have never dreamed of before and we will be quick to give Him the glory for it all.
The consultant was very dedicated to the task of keeping us on target and was willing to help in every way possible. He became a part of our team and participated as if he was a part of our church.
Steering Committee
Anchor Baptist Church
Lexington, Kentucky