Dutilh United Methodist church is now two months into our capital campaign. In thinking back to when we were interviewing campaign consultants to assist us in the capital campaign process, I remember well your first presentation to the capital campaign committee, you highlighted your approach of visiting every home to deliver a personal presentation about the capital campaign. I will be honest after that presentation I did not feel that approach would work at Dutith or at any church. You made one statement that did catch my attention, visiting each home is honoring each family the same way with the same message (the same way Jesus honors us). It was that statement that won me over to vote JD Klote as our consultant. I have now completed 8 home visits and would say that each family may not have agreed completely with the message or maybe contributed more or less than the amount we asked them to consider to the campaign, but I believe they all were truly honored that we took the time to meet with them and seek their input on the campaign. None of this would be a success if it were not for the second point of distinction that you made during your initial presentation: Having a dedicated JD Klote consultant on staff every day during the capital campaign will bring consistency and focus to driving to our campaign goals.
The consultant you have provided to us has truly made himself a part of our church, attending church services, ministries and capital campaign activities. He is known by name (and knows many church members by name) and goes out of his way to connect with all church members. It is this connection that has allowed him to be seen not just as the consultant but as a church member who is here to assist in the capital campaign.
The consultant is serving as the quarterback in this process making sure all resources are being fully utilized for the success of the capital campaign. He has provided great leadership in educating the committee and the entire campaign team on how to deliver biblical-based messages that directly tie to the goals of the campaign. Our campaign is off to a great start, we will continue to rely on his leadership to bring us to a successful end to the campaign.
Dutilh UMC
Cranberry Township, Pennsylvania