I am a Deacon at First Presbyterian of Anderson and I wanted to thank you for sending us such a great support in the consultant. The skills and techniques he provided us with to develop and execute our Capital Campaign (first one in almost 60 years) were crucial to our church’s success in garnishing member buy-in and securing pledges to help us meet our goals. I was a small part of this campaign as I coordinated the pledge reveal at our Kick-Off lunch and participated in two presentations to present the church’s needs and our campaign goals. The consultant developed the presentations and maintained an open door policy for any and all questions and support regarding how to present the information effectively. He made it extremely easy for me to jump in and say yes to volunteering to present this information as I, like so many others, am a busy working mother, who would have hesitated at accepting the request if it entailed a lot of prep work.
The consultant has been very generous with his time and energy to meet with and prepare any and all church members to understand the scope and benefits of this campaign. Thank you for sending him and his wife to our church family. They will be missed!
First Presbyterian Church
Anderson, South Carolina