Perspectives – Spring 2013
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The Top 5 Biggest Mistakes Church Leaders make when Conducting a Capital Stewardship Campaign
Church leaders often believe that with a sound reason for raising money, a Capital Stewardship Campaign will be easy. The fact is, there are more things that can go wrong than right when embarking on a Capital Campaign. The following are the biggest mistakes made by church leaders that I have come to discover in my years of fund raising:
- Beginning the campaign without conducting a Readiness Assessment
- Mailing out brochures and pledge cards
- Not requesting specific gifts
- Poorly timed Campaign kick-off event
- Conducting a Capital Stewardship
Campaign with no experience
Please visit our website to receive a complimentary copy of Jim Klote’s book “Stewardship: The Proven Path” and learn how James D. Klote & Associates, the largest full-time, on-site campaign consulting firm in the country can help you maximize your fundraising potential.
“This was the most through stewardship campaign we have ever conducted! By the time we gathered for our kick-off dinner, we had already raised as much as two other stewardship companies said we had the potential to raise in the entire campaign. Our new sanctuary was built because of the $10,000,000 that was raised with the help of James D. Klote & Associates.”
Rev. Tom Berlin
Floris United Methodist Church
Herndon, Virginia
Our Clients Raise an Average of 5 times Annual Giving
To read how our clients raise an average of 5 times annual giving click here
Complimentary Book
The Difference Between Full-time and Part-time Consulting
Click here to read more about the difference between full-time and part-time consulting
James D. Klote & Associates, Inc.
103 Park Washington Court
Falls Church, Virginia 22046
Toll Free: (800) 360-2315
1750 East Main Street, Suite 190
St. Charles, Illinois 60174
Toll Free: (888) 360-2315
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