As the clergy chairman of the Farmville District, the members of the committee understood the importance of what was to be done, and all that we had was the promise of a consultant, an expert, who would guide us in every step of the way.
We were sent an expert, who was also a teacher, a guide, and a friend. Our JDK&A Consultant was fully aware of the work and time that each committee member gave. He made each committee member feel valued and important to the process. He presented well-constructed plans and instructions at each meeting, taking the time to be a good teacher, and yet not wasting our time in any way. He was always available to any committee member and myself by phone or email with a very fast response, when we could not meet face to face. He led a group of clergy, nurses, farmers, etc into a world of raising money for our churches. He inspired us to go beyond our comfort zones by the example of his experiences and leadership.
As this phase of the All Things New Financial campaign comes to a close, it appears to have been a great success. No doubt the source of that success was due to the many hours that the committee members across Virginia devoted to the cause in their planning and visits. At the same time none of those visits would have occurred without our JDK&A Consultant. It takes the players on any team to win the game, but without the coach there is little chance of a victory. He was our coach.
Farmville District Clergy Chairman
Virginia Conference UMC