Full-time consulting has put us far ahead of what all other consultants said we could raise. During the economic and emotional fallout of September 11th we put on hold our plans for a new parish hall and much needed renovations. By the Fall of 2002 we felt the Spirit leading us to take the risk of raising money in spite of recession and impending war.
Fortunately, we were led to choose James D. Klote & Associates to partner with us in our “Mission of Faith”. From the moment our on-site consultant appeared, hope grew and expertise abounded. Not only was our consultant well trained, he also became a part of our parish family and a visible encouragement to us all. My daily meetings with him proved to me that we were in good hands as he led us through this process of giving every member an opportunity to be a part of this project.
Without James D. Klote & Associates we would not have had the success we did. We are well ahead of what all other fundraisers said we could raise. We have selected our general contractor and are planning our ground-breaking this Fall.
I unreservedly recommend James D. Klote & Associates for any church’s Capital Campaign.
St. Peter's Episcopal Church
Washington, North Carolina