I have been most impressed by your firm and especially with your consultant, our on-site rep running the campaign. His expertise has been invaluable. It has been a joy working with him. I certainly trust that we are meeting all his needs as the campaign progresses.
Folks here at Oak Grove have found the consultant to be a true friend. I have seen folks rally around the effort and be challenged to serve. I attribute this to the presence of a neutral individual who is able to connect with them, affirm their abilities, and challenge them to move beyond their comfort zone. The process used is truly effective. As home visits are made, the individual members are realizing new things about Oak Grove and sensing their importance in the process.
I trust that your efforts and time with us will bear much fruit. Certainly, many folks involved in the campaign will truly be changed and empowered to serve in new and greater ways by this experience. We will truly miss the positive influence of the consultant to our church family.
Church Administrator/Treasurer
Oak Grove United Methodist Church
Chesapeake, Virginia