It’s hard to believe that the weeks have flown by and we are approaching the end of the consultant’s assignment here at Dutilh. I know I speak for our entire committee when I say that your firm’s approach to visit every home was going to be difficult but knew that was the approach we needed to take to be successful in this journey. Even though it was difficult to get people to commit to a visit, once they did the home visits went extremely well. Some comments I heard included “That was not so bad,” and “that was actually enjoyable.” For some individuals it was even hard to leave as they just enjoyed the fellowship.
I want to thank you for our on-site consultant. None of our success could have happened if it were not for his passion, faith and love for Dutilh. He has truly become part of the Dutilh family and was willing to accompany anyone on any visit. He sacrificed his time to help Dutilh move God’s plan forward for our church and know that through his involvement we are further along than we could ever imagine.
He will be missed and know that wherever God calls him next they will be in great hands with him!
Capital Campaign Chair
Dutilh UMC
Cranberry Township, Pennsylvania