For Immediate Release
October 25, 2014
Rochester, NY – Almost 200 members and friends of St. Thomas’ Episcopal Church turned out and pitched in on Saturday for a very special parish dinner. Its purpose was to initiate a fund-raising campaign for the renovation of their historic church building. Located on the corner of Highland Avenue and Winton Road, this handsome structure was built in 1929-1930. Not only a resonant space for Episcopal worship, the church has traditionally provided a home for a variety of in-city social service groups.

Fr. Craig Uffman, Rector on the right; Campaign Consultant, Glendon Smith on the left
In keeping with the church’s history, the theme of St. Thomas’ multi-million-dollar campaign is: 125 Years! Celebrate Our Past & Shape Our Future “ with the Community. The work to be done, including repair of the lower and upper halls, improve the heating and air conditioning, and bolstering of the endowment fund, will benefit not only the congregation whose numbers continue to grow, but also the many organizations that meet under that roof. As evidence that the stated goal is within reach, former Senior Warden Richard Yates on behalf of the campaign’s steering committee announced the astonishing news that $1,510,017 had already been raised.
Contributing to the excitement of Saturday’s event, The Rev. Canon Julie Cicora of the Rochester Episcopal Diocese delivered the main address. She emphasized the vital place that St. Thomas’ holds in the community, the phenomenal scope of its ministries, and the presence of the Holy Spirit in their midst these past 125 years. Remarks were overheard that the dinner provided a great chance for parishioners from all four worship ties to pray and talk together.
The campaign, which is scheduled to wind up at the end of November, is being conducted in conjunction with the church’s regular annual appeal. It commenced with a series of focus groups in which the rector, the Rev. Craig Uffman, asked parishioners, What are your hopes and dreams for St. Thomas’? Their answer is now clearly seen: to unite in prayer and to renovate the church so that, from this strengthened base, they can carry out existing and new missions within the Rochester community.
The wonderful folks here at St. Thomas’ are so excited and united about the future of their church,” said Glendon Smith, the Campaign Consultant from James D. Klote & Associates, Inc., who was invited to help conduct and direct their capital campaign.
With offices in Falls Church, Virginia; St. Charles, Illinois; Los Angeles, California; and Toronto, Ontario, James D. Klote & Associates is the largest full-time, on-site stewardship consulting firm in North America. For additional information, please contact the firm at or (800) 360-2315.