For Immediate Release
September 30, 2018
Round Rock, TX – Forty-two years ago, St. Richard’s Episcopal Church was established in Round Rock, Texas. Their history of service and outreach to the community is rich with many programs and volunteers.
Beginning August 6, 2018, a series of thirteen focus group meetings were held to inform and educate parishioners about the needs and opportunities to promote the vision and mission of St. Richard’s. The meetings were both informative for the parishioners as well as for the church leadership with much discussion regarding priorities of expanding the Nave and eliminating all debt. On September 17, 2017, at the conclusion of the Focus Group Meetings, Father Stuart Shelby announced the Church Vestry voted unanimously to proceed with the Capital Campaign and added, “We are grateful for John Morrison from James D. Kolte & Associates. With John as our campaign guide, we are paying attention to every opportunity we have to mature in our stewardship as a parish church.”
Each of the individuals and families within the church will be contacted for a personal visit. The church is optimistically hoping to pay off the debt in 3-5 years and hoping to begin construction of the Nave expansion in order to accommodate increased attendance.
St. Richard’s Episcopal Church has asked James D. Klote & Associates to assist and guide their efforts. St. Richard’s is a vital part of the community and is enthusiastic & excited about their new opportunities for outreach and service to the community.
With offices in Falls Church, Virginia; Dallas, Texas; Chicago, Illinois; Los Angeles, California; and Toronto, Ontario, Canada, James D. Klote & Associates is the largest full-time, on-site stewardship consulting firm in North America. For additional information, please contact the firm at or (800)-360-2315.