Private High School Board Votes Unanimously to Proceed with Capital Campaign


For Immediate Release
October 23, 2018

Falls Church, VA  – James D. Klote & Associates, Inc. (JDK&A) is pleased to announce that the Board of Manitowoc Lutheran High School in Manitowoc, Wisconsin, has voted unanimously to proceed with a $10 million Capital Campaign after a successful Readiness Assessment/Feasibility Study.

Beginning July 2018, the Readiness Assessment was conducted consisting of nineteen focus group meetings, as well as personal interviews.  There were also follow up discussions regarding the plan for a gymnasium and Chapel and to assess the desire and ability of the school’s constituency to enter into a Capital Campaign with a need of raising $10 million.  Over 200 individuals participated in the Assessment.

In 2016 the Board appointed a committee to review the Master Site Plan that had been developed in 2000 and make recommendations.  It was out of that review, study and update that the revised Master Site Plan was submitted and the decision to proceed with a Readiness Assessment utilizing JDK&A.

The meetings were informative for the congregation and provided excellent input and feedback for the leadership with excellent discussion regarding the proposed path forward.

At the completion of the focus groups and after reviewing the Readiness Assessment, the leadership voted to enter into the Capital Campaign.  Director of Mission Advancement Scott Reinhard remarked, “The Readiness Assessment process was definitely worth it.  The approach to present to small groups and individual presentations posed some scheduling challenges, but was vital to being able to gather feedback from a broader constituency.  The JDK&A consultant provided regular and positive input on improving the information each time, gleaning the underlying questions which continued to arise, and preparing answers that got right to the issues.”

Manitowoc Lutheran High School has asked JDK&A to assist and guide their efforts in the $10 million Capital Campaign.

Jim Klote, President and CEO of JDK&A stated, “We are absolutely delighted that the Readiness Assessment results were so positive.  Over 200 individuals have already agreed to assist in this effort through volunteer efforts as well as with financial support.  Our firm is excited about this opportunity to direct this important Capital Campaign.”

James D. Klote & Associates, Inc. Consultant Glenn Wagner, is providing full time resident service.  With offices in Falls Church, Virginia; Dallas, Texas; Chicago, Illinois; Los Angeles, California; and Toronto, Ontario, James D. Klote & Associates is the largest full-time, on-site stewardship consulting firm in North America.  For additional information, please contact the firm at or (800)-360-2315.


Erin West
James D. Klote & Associates

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