For Immediate Release
June 3, 2015
North Canton, OH – On Tuesday June 2, 2015 members of the Church Board gathered at Called Meeting to vote on whether to move forward with a membership based Campaign to fund the vision, goals, needs, and opportunities collected by the 20/20 Vision Team after over one year of congregation input and Ministry Team discernment. The Church Board voted unanimously in favor of this proposal. The 20/20 Vision Team was charged with creating a plan to lead Faith Church into the year 2020. Based on the elements of that plan, financial needs of $3.1 million was identified to support vital and growing worship, unfunded program areas, facility upgrades, and facility maintenance. The goal of the Campaign is to raise as much towards this over vision as possible.
Faith Church plans on conducting an extensive campaign between now and the next 120 days. The Church has engaged the services of James D. Klote & Associates to assist with the campaign. James D. Klote & Associates is a professional stewardship consulting firm that works solely with congregations and churches nationally to deliver campaign success.
“With such strong support to move forward with a Campaign, Faith Church is well poised for campaign success. While the campaign target of $3.1 million is at 4.12 times current annual giving, it is not unattainable based on the enthusiasm of the congregation,” commented Campaign Director, David Grove.
With offices in Falls Church, Virginia; St. Charles, Illinois; Los Angeles, California; and Toronto, Ontario, James D. Klote & Associates is the largest full-time, on-site stewardship consulting firm in North America. For additional information, please contact the firm at or (800) 360-2315.