For Immediate Release
October 16, 2013

Attendees at a Focus Group Meeting
Kingston, Ontario – Following an extensive feasibility study conducted by James D. Klote & Associates, Inc., Edith Rankin Memorial Church voted overwhelmingly to move forward with a capital campaign. When the goal of $2.5 million in pledges (payable over a five year period) is achieved, the construction project, as currently envisioned, will provide a much improved location for administrative offices, more functional office space for clergy, a multi-use space capable of accommodating large meetings and alternative worship venues, additional classrooms, meeting rooms and musical program support facilities. Also important to Edith Rankin congregants will be enhancements in church access by means of a much needed elevator and a ground level main entrance; air conditioning to make summertime attendance a much more pleasant experience; and relocation of the nursery to within easy reach of the sanctuary for young parents attending services.
According to Rev. Dr. Jean Stairs, Minister of Christian Education, Outreach and Family Pastoral Care, This building project is critical to the future of our church family and for outreach to the surrounding community. Appropriately, our campaign theme will be Shaping our Future: Building on Faith. The double meaning in the second half is deliberate.
We have been working toward this proposed project for several years. It was time for our congregation to make a decision, said Readiness Assessment Chairperson, Christopher Sproule. We conducted eleven well-attended focus groups to measure our church’s level of support. Based on the results, we are hopeful of raising the needed funds.
Peter Merkley, Church Council Chairperson, shared that, We were extremely pleased with the positive outcome of our congregational vote and are looking forward to the campaign and to raising the money so that we are able to leave a legacy for current and future generations of our faith community.
According to James D. Klote & Associates, Inc. consultant, Chuck Wilson, Feedback was overwhelmingly positive with over 215 individuals attending focus group sessions. Average weekly attendance at Edith Rankin during non-summer months is around 218, so the participation rate was very impressive. Everyone had the opportunity for their ideas and comments to be heard and included in the Readiness Assessment Report for study and consideration by leadership.
Capital Campaign Steering Committee Chairperson, Gordon Sinclair, says that, I am humbled and honoured to be asked to take on this important role in the life of our church. I am looking forward to a highly successful campaign.
The Shaping our Future: Building on Faith Capital Stewardship Campaign will be conducted in conjunction with the 2014 Annual Stewardship Campaign.
With offices in Falls Church, Virginia; St. Charles, Illinois; and Toronto, Ontario, James D. Klote & Associates is the largest full-time, on-site stewardship consulting firm in North America. For additional information, please contact the firm at or (800) 360-2315.